Monday, June 9, 2008

Let's start at the beginning.....

Here's my classroom rules to learn, live and love.
  1. Always use your very best manners, language and etiquette. Conduct yourself with dignity and poise at all times, for that is the true sign of maturity.
  2. Treat everyone around you as well as, if not better, than you treat yourself. The kindness that we receive is directly proportional to the kindness that we give.
  3. Respect the school, the classroom and all of the furniture and supplies that are inside. Your families have had to work very hard in order to pay for all of these very expensive materials.
  4. What you do today has a direct impact on where you are ten years from now, and you can be anywhere you want to be ten years from now.
  5. Work hard, dream big and believe you can.....

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